Network Discovery

A simple tool that is not for casual Android users and that proves useful when trying to explore your local network. It can scan all the hosts on the network and then perform a port scan on each of these to see which ports are open. You can even connect (with an existing application) if you find certain ports open.


Network Discovery is quite simple to use without giving the user any headaches. The main screen is the discovery list for all the hosts on the network. Every piece of hardware found has its IP, MAC and manufacturer displayed. The list can be exported as XML and saved to the file system. This is done by accessing the menu from this screen.

Selecting one host takes the user to the port scan screen, where all the open and closed ports are displayed.

network discovery port scan

There are a few options that modify the apps behavior. The start and end ports can be set and thus increase or decrease the scanning range. A Network Interface Card database can be updated in the options menu. Other settings such as whether to resolve host names, to allow mobile discovery (do a search on the mobile network instead of WiFi, although it is not very reliable) or to increase the number of threads spawned by the app are also available.


Personally, I used the app when trying to connect to the WiFi router, whether I am at home or on some public network. It scans the hosts and ports pretty fast so getting to the admin web page takes only a couple of seconds and it doesn’t require me to know the IP or port in advance. All the more reason to change your default “admin” “admin” credentials on your router if you offer free WiFi in your restaurant!


QR code
name Network Discovery
publisher Aubort Jean-Baptiste
price free
version 0.3.4
size 257KB
developer contact aubort.jeanbaptiste (at) gmail (dot) com

Other resources

If there is something we missed out or you wish to find other resources for this application, be sure to check the following links:

Published on: 9 November 2010